A Trip To Indian Market
This year in January I applied to SWAIA Indian Market for the first time. The Indian Market in Santa Fe, New Mexico is a world renowned gathering of high quality Native American artwork. In order to show and sell your work at Market you must be juried in, and although there are hundreds of artists accepted each year there are only a limited number of spaces and not all who apply will be accepted. I waited (semi) patiently and was honored to receive my acceptance letter in March! I was already
working and preparing but from the moment I opened that letter until I headed to Santa Fe on August 16th I worked feverishly to produce a strong body of work to present.
As the date for market approached I discovered another opportunity in conjunction with Indian Market, The EDGE market. This was a second opportunity to showcase durning market which focused solely on contemporary Native American artwork. I submitted three pieces to be displayed in the Community Convention Center during market and was accepted once again.
The preparation and excitement leading up to market was great but actually arriving in Santa Fe for the first time was incredible. It is such a beautiful area with the unique adobe style structures and the high desert mountain landscapes. I arrived early to submit pieces for judging and enjoyed a couple days downtime before the excitement of market began.
The morning of market I arrived in darkness to set up and prepare for the crowds of the day. As the sun rose in the sky the crowds began and they continued thoughout the day until close at the end of the day. Over those two days I met a wonderful mix of individuals; artists, art lovers, gallery owners and collectors. I had wonderful conversations about my work, future opportunities and an exhibition in Bristol England. The chance to be a part of the tradition of Indian Market was an honor and I have high hopes for what my future at Indian Market may hold.